Praise the Lord, Sisters:
On behalf of the National Women’s Board, I greet you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We acknowledge the visionary leadership of Presiding Bishop Theodore Jenkins, Sr., Bishop Lang Priester – Liaison to the National Women’s Board, Bishop Paul C. Johnson and Bishop David S. Johnson, as we undertaken this project to compile in one central location, spiritual growth lessons based upon Apostolic/Pentecostal teachings.
It is my desire and that of all the members of the National Women’s Board, to provide teaching materials and information based upon the Holy Scriptures for sisters of all ages. These materials and lessons were created and taught by numerous beloved sisters over the years, some who now sleep in the Lord. We honor their contributions and legacy to the sisters who now continue in the Apostolic Faith (Jude 3) and true holiness. These lessons and other appropriate books and materials support the teachings of Titus 2, Proverbs 31, and other scriptural teachings that support true holiness.
We welcome you to this website that provides information sorted by subject matter and age groupings for all sisters. Just click on the links provided to sort through the materials. We will review and continually add lessons and information that support God’s word and teachings for sisters.
May God bless you as you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sister Janie Davis, President
Sister Gail Jenkins, Vice-President
Secretary, Vacant
Sister JoCarolyn Amusan, Assistant Secretary
Sister Liller Hamilton, Former National President
Sister Callie Gavin, Former National President
Sister Belinda Anderson, Board Member
Sister Alfreda Jamison, Board Member
Sister Shanda Johnson, Board Member
Sister Helen Lee, Board Member
Sister Agatha Priester, Board Member
Sister Leah Scott, Board Member
Sister Tonya Wells, Board Member
Bishop Lang Priester, National Liaison – Board of Bishops