One of the most challenging positions in the church is that of being a minister of the Gospel. Even more challenging is the calling and sacrifice required to be a pastor or shepherd over a flock of God's people. The men of God are entrusted with spiritual instruction of the saints. They may make the difference between heaven and hell for those to whom they preach. The men of God serve as God's spokesman to the human race.
Have you ever stopped to think about the service that the men of God render to you? They counsel with you during difficult times in your life, pray with and for you as you face sickness and life's problems, provide encouragement when you are discouraged, visit you during your illnesses and hospital stays, and most importantly they preach to you the living and uncompromised Word of God. They often sacrifice spending precious time with their families to care for the needs of the saints. How many times have our pastors interceded on our behalf when God would have allowed swift judgment to come upon many of us? Take a moment to read Numbers 14:1-20, and it will help you to better appreciate the intercessory role of your pastor. It is so easy for many to criticize the men of God, without realizing the important role they play in our salvation. Hebrews 13:17 tell us to, "obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you."
As each of you begin the year 2006, make it a priority to thank God for the pastors, elders and ministers of the Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. Resolve that you will pray for your pastor and for all the men of God, rather than criticizing them. Pray that God will bless the men of God, under the leadership of Presiding Bishop Edward Smith, and pray that God will continue to give them a "Word from Heaven" to meet the needs of His people. When you have the opportunity, share with your pastor and the other men of God how much you appreciate their labor of love. By far the greatest thing you can do for the men of God is to live lives that exemplify the Christ whom they preach unto you!
A Prayer for My Pastor
Father, let me be a pillar of strength to help hold up my pastor and not a thorn in his flesh to sap his strength, or a burden on his back to weigh him down. Let me support him without striving to possess him. Let me lift his hands without shackling them. Let me give him any help that he may devote more time to working for the salvation of others and less time to gratifying my vanity.
Father, let me appreciate him as the pastor of all the members and not compel him to spend precious time in pleasing me. Let me be unselfish in what I do for him and in what I ask him to do for me. Let my life be an example of the Word of God he preaches.
Saluting the Ministerial Body of the Progressive Church
of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc.